Interested in why people behave the way they do?
Do you wonder how culture and society impacts who we are? You can work alongside faculty and fellow students on innovative research, exploring these and other areas in the interdisciplinary Psychological and Social Science (PSS) major.
Dr. Meghan Gillen was featured in the U.S. News & World Report articles “6 Myths About the Freshmen 15” and "How Grown Women Can Boost Their Body Image." She was also quoted in "How to Boost Your Body Image."
Her work focuses on body image and health. She completed data collection for a study on early motherhood health involving moms with babies ages 0 - 12 months, and is now working on analyzing the data.
Dr. Gillen is also collaborating with two former students on a manuscript on behavioral inhibition, reward sensitivity, and body image.
See Dr. Gillen interviewed on South New Jersey News about her research.
Internships and Careers
Here are some positions and companies we have placed internships and graduates:
- Community Service Foundation (therapeutic day school for youth)
- Consumer psychology at Proctor & Gamble
- Girls, Inc.
- Holy Redeemer Health System
- Livengrin Foundation (addiction recovery)
- Museum and program evaluation at the United States Constitution Center in Philadelphia
- Philadelphia and suburban public and private schools (working in School Psychologist and Guidance offices)
- Senior Research Technician at Monell Chemical Senses in Philadelphia
- Service Coordinator/Case Manager at JEVS Human Services
- Theraplay (occupational therapy)
- YMCA-Abington